Preschool and Kindergarten Program
Welcome to our Spanish Bilingual Preschool & Kindergarten Program! Our curriculum is designed to nurture early reading and math skills, alongside a fascinating exploration of life science, particularly focusing on zoo animals. With our experienced teachers, your child will enjoy a fun and engaging learning environment. Contact us today 602795-7721 to learn more and enroll your little one!

Welcome to the Toddler Classroom for 18 month and
2 year olds : Nurturing Little Branches of Knowledge with preschool foundations

Theme the Ocean
Toddler Classroom 18m to 2 years.
Our toddler classroom environment is arranged to promote learning experiences and development in a variety of areas for our toddlers.
Dramatic Play Center
– is a place where the children can use their imaginations to pretend and act out the social roles they observe in their daily lives. This center is set up like the home environment with a toddler size kitchen set, kitchen utensils with spoons, bowls, plates and cups, small table with chairs, and other props.
Circle Time Area
– is a cozy area where the children can enjoy a book alone or with another friend or teacher. The children have a variety of sturdy cardboard books to choose from that are displayed on a low book shelf so they can have access to them at all times. This center contains comfortable lounge seats and soft toys or pillows for the children to relax and enjoy their stories.
Construction Center
– contains large waffle blocks, large colored blocks and many other building materials. Toddlers love to build towers, but they really enjoy knocking them down. The block area allows for the toddlers to practice small and fine motor skills.
Manipulative Center
– is one of our busiest centers! Toddlers love the opportunity to take objects apart, put them back together again and manipulate small objects with the growing control and coordination of the small muscles in their hands. In this center you will find simple puzzles, pegboards, shape sorters, interesting materials to match, various textures to explore and many other materials to work with.
The toddlers also practice appropriate ways to use materials in the center by taking them off the shelf, working with them at the table, and then returning them to their correct place at the shelf.
Music and movement (Circle time)
– toddlers love music and enjoy moving their bodies to different rhythms and melodies. Music and movement gives the children the opportunity to dance and move to a variety of music such as classical, folk and favorite children’s songs and nursery rhymes. Various instruments are available for the children to make music of their own. We also provide a big blue tumbling mat and a crawl through tunnel for large muscle movement.
Playground (large motor)
– toddlers are always on the move! Every day they master more control over their movements and are becoming more aware of what their bodies can do. On the playground, our toddlers can work on their muscles to climb, balance, jump, and really move around! We provide balls to throw and catch; and other toys that get our toddlers moving. The goal of outdoor play is to allow the children to move their bodies in a safe and appropriate way.
We provide a toddler climber in the classroom with small slides, where toddlers learn to take turns and shake their wiggles out as needed.
Toddler Language
– Young toddlers are at a stage in their development where they are very sensitive to language and are beginning to steadily increase their vocabulary. Use of simple words and phrases is encouraged in the toddler room. Words and phrases include: hello, goodbye, all done, please, thank you, milk, water, more, up please, stop please, my work and each child’s name.
Supplies needed:
Diaper ointment
Crib sheet
Extra clothing (2 pants or shorts, shirts, socks)
Sippy cup
Cups go home to be washed daily. Crib sheets and blankets go home to be washed every Friday.
Please leave toys at home, unless it is a scheduled day to bring in a special item.